Jane Springer

Are You A Woman of Faith Ready for Love?


If you are a woman of faith who would like to have love in her life that could lead to a lasting relationship, it’s important to be ready physically, emotionally and spiritually.  This quiz will help you identify if you are ready for love and identify areas where you might need a little more examination and time.  

If I had taken this quiz before I had entered into long term relationships and marriage, I possibly could have avoided heartache and withdrawal from seeking a loving, committed relationship.  So, let’s get started moving you forward towards love. 

Please take your time in answering these questions. 

It is important that you do some self-examination as you go through the questions.

Please check if True or False for each statement.

Have you been seriously contemplating wanting to be in relationship with a man of faith?

Are you free of all prior relationships legal or otherwise, e.g. boyfriends, fiance’s, husbands?

Have you done earnest work on yourself to examine and heal any relationship baggage you may be still carrying?

Have you let your family and friends (or the world) know that you are interested in finding a man of faith with which to spend your life?

Have you made a written list of qualities you are looking for in this man, including must haves and deal breakers?

Have you spent time with the Lord: praying, journaling, reading scripture or meditating to share your feelings with Him about what you would like and, just as importantly, being quiet and listening to Him?

Are you taking good care of yourself physically, realizing and appreciating that you were created in His image and are remarkably and wonderfully made?

Have you gotten past beating yourself up over mistakes you have made in the past in your life and former relationships?

Are you really open to experiencing an honest, loving and committed relationship with a man?

Would you be open to seeking help if you discover you might be holding yourself back from the type of relationship described above?

Email to send your results
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