Jane Springer

Can You Show Your Body Love Instead of Criticism?

Here they come.  I’m so excited.  “numbers 12, 23, 24, 9, 17….wait they still haven’t called my number.  still feeling confident.  2, 15, 30, 11 and 9.”  Congratulations!  You are the new FLHS varsity cheerleaders.”  I hear squeals of happiness.  “Will the girls with those numbers please come back into the gym?” 

Wait!  There’s been a mistake.  That was supposed to be my number called.  I was JV captain!  Wait. 

But, it wasn’t a mistake.  I had not been chosen as a varsity cheerleader and I was utterly devastated.  I didn’t even know what to think or do. 

As I left the school in my car, I finally let myself cry. 

What could have happened?  What did I do wrong? 

Was I not pretty enough?  Did I not have a sparkly enough smile?  Did I weigh too much?  Were my thighs too big?  Were my jumps not high enough? 

My mind went immediately to, “There must be something wrong with me to not be picked.” 

It wasn’t the first time in my life that I was critical about myself and my body.  But this one was a biggie. 

And it wasn’t the last time either.  There have been many other times in my life when I have been critical of how I look or someone else has been critical of my body (several men come to mind.) 

I bet there have been times you have been critical about your body, too.  What woman hasn’t? 

But you know what, I’d like to call an end to it.  Here and now. 

Yesterday was my birthday, and I am getting near a big one.  But, when I think about my body, I realize that it needs some love.  It’s carried me through a lot of mental and physical challenges. 

Sure, when I physically hurt, I get critical, sad and hard on myself.   

This really doesn’t help.  I usually feel worse. 

What about you? 

Does it help you when you complain about how much you hurt or if something isn’t working right? 

I’d like to propose a little challenge for all of us. 

When you are hurting, try sending a little love to the area that is hurting.  What could you say to that part of you that would be showing it love?  How would you speak to a friend? 

I’m saying, “I’m sorry you are hurting.  What can I do to help?” 

Maybe it’s take a hot bath, maybe it’s going for a leisurely walk, maybe it’s get a massage.  Or maybe just be with it.  Without judgement or criticism. 

But, the overall message to your friend, your body, is thank you and I’m sending some love your way. 

What will you do today to give your body some love? 

If you’d like to start feeling better now, just click here and you can start my Feel Better, Look Good and Gain Confidence in 7 Days challenge.  I promise you will start feeling better in your body! 

And if you are ready to make a change after that, go here and set up a time to have a strategy session with me.  I’m ready, are you?

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