Jane Springer

Wavering on Quitting Sugar?

Right now, I know several people who want to quit eating sugar, but are wavering.  Or others who have quit sugar, but the temptation is too much and they are “this close” to diving back into something sweet.

I get it.  It is hard.  So many times I wanted to make cookies and have just ONE.

But then I remembered my compelling reason.  I did not want my prediabetes to turn into diabetes. That kept me from indulging in an emotional moment.

The good news is I am out of the prediabetes range after only 3 months of avoiding sugar.  I did allow myself a “joy eat” once a week, so I really did not feel deprived.

There were a few things that helped me when I was wavering on my no sugar rule.  I thought I would share them with you in hopes that they will help you to get over the momentary urge to splurge.

  1.  Understand that sugar is as powerful as a drug.  You aren’t weak when you want to indulge.  Eating sugar produces a massive hit of dopamine, a “feel good” chemical that makes you forget problems you may be having.  The chemicals from sugar give you energy and may also numb you to any bad feelings or situations that are going on.  Of course, the down side of sugar is that it is glucose that makes your body produce insulin to get the glucose into your cells for energy.  Any excess glucose that your body does not need keeps floating in your bloodstream creating havoc on your organs- kidneys, heart, circulation.  And any excess insulin is stored as FAT.  None of this is good for your body.  Maybe understanding what is going on will be a deterrent.   It was for me.  When I stopped eating sugar and having excess insulin, I lost body fat, especially around my middle.  Which is always a good thing.
  2. Stop.  Sometimes just stopping for a minute before you eat that sugary thing helps.  Or in my case making cookies. Ask yourself, “What am I thinking right now?” or “What am I feeling right now?”  Am I bored, stressed, upset? Am I just looking for an escape?  Just recognizing that can be enough to keep you from going on that sugar high.  Perhaps you can come up with an alternative activity – go for a walk, have a healthy snack, read your book, take a Facebook break, talk to your spouse, write in your journal, or just say “no, thank you.”  Just waiting 10-20 minutes can stop you from eating that piece of cake.
  3. Remember your compelling reason why you gave up sugar.  Was it your blood sugar – prediabetes or diabetes?  These are very serious conditions with lasting repercussions  Did you want to lose weight or inches?  Perhaps you want to look fabulous in your shorts or bathing suit this summer?  Writing down your compelling reason and posting it can help.  Imagine yourself strong and healthy, slim and sexy, whatever your desire is.  Imagining it.

There you go.  Hopefully these tips can keep you on track when you are wavering on quitting sugar.

Need help with this?  Contact me and I will be glad to work with you.  Take that next step.




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