Jane Springer

Quitting Sugar and Flour: Can You Do It?

Have you thought about quitting sugar and flour?  Have you had doubts that you can really do it?

Well, it is possible.  You can do it. I am doing it.  Yes, I have had doubts about whether I could do it.  And you will, too.

Yes, it is hard.  One of the hardest things I have ever done.

I really didn’t expect it to be so challenging.  I guess I was naive.  But I am getting through it and starting to come out the other side.

How am I doing it?  I keep reminding myself of my Compelling Reason.  This is something I am learning about from Brooke Castillo, master life  and weight coach of The Life Coach School.  You can read more about what she does here.

Anyway, when I got the diagnosis of prediabetes, it really shook me.  Granted, it wasn’t diabetes. Yet. But it still scared me.

At first, I kind of went through the 5 stages of grief.  Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance.  In fact, I am still cycling through them.  It is ongoing.

Well, back to My Compelling Reason.  I knew that I needed at least one deep, compelling reason to keep me on track and from backsliding into the world of gluten-free chocolate chip cookies and gluten-free brown rice bread.  My treats of choice.

My compelling reason is the fact that I do not want to develop diabetes and I was one step closer to having that be a reality.  I have family members who are diabetic and prediabetic.  Diabetes is very tough on your body and can cause heart disease, stroke, loss of vision, amputations and more.

I want to enjoy many more years with my family feeling really good, able to travel, to work, to play with my grandchildren.  And I want to see them grow up and go to college.  Get married.

This is what I keep in the forefront of my mind when I am wavering and experiencing cravings.  It keeps me moving forward.

How about you?  Do you have prediabetes, diabetes, or insulin resistance?  Have you been told you need to cut the carbs and sweets and lose some weight?  (by the way, I have lost 3 pounds and some belly fat so far just by doing this.)

The fact is: you can do this!  It is possible.  Our bodies can thrive with quality protein, veggies, nuts and fruit.

Next week, I will write about some of the challenges I have encountered with cutting sugar and flour and how I have overcome them.  In the meantime, be thinking about what is your Compelling Reason that will propel you forward.  Stay tuned…..

If you need help getting started with cutting sugar and flour, losing weight, establishing new healthy habits, just contact me here.  Let’s have a conversation about how I can help you get a jump start on taking back your health.

*Please consult your health care practitioner before making major changes to your diet, medication or health habits. 




2 thoughts on “Quitting Sugar and Flour: Can You Do It?”

  1. Pingback: Breaking Your Commitment to No Sugar or Flour - Jane Springer | Life & Style Coach

  2. Pingback: Wavering on Quitting Sugar? - Jane Springer | Life & Wellness Coach

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